A Mutual Groan by the Cheese heads encompassed the Graduate, a Sports Bar here in Chico, CA. after Gould's 3 point winner. You could see them shaking, some disgustingly getting up and pushing their chairs against the tables, knocking down glasses, grabbing purses, and thumping to the door. Aaron Rodgers' hometown loyalists have nothing to celebrate. Those of us with our Bears jerseys, were leaping in the air, high fives for anyone with the orange and blue regalia, even singing "Bear Down" in unison with beer mugs flying in the air (along with my diet coke). It was awesome, period.
BEARS' FOOTBALL- Peppers' million $ plays, take the rock out of the Packer's hands, and get it done with Robbie. Just as I said, period.
Rewind 12 hours earlier: 9:00 am All day long I walked around with my Urlacher jersey. At my work-out club, Kami, at the front counter, said that she and her son were Bear fans, saying "Wow Janice, I love that shirt. I want one. My son and I love the Bears!" After my spin class, I'm walking out and saying hi to Jeff Stover (owner of the club) while he stands in front of his SF 49ers showcase of his uniform and pictures with Montana and Rice. We've talked before about a game in 1986 with Richard Dent holding the 49ers on 4th and 1, as the Bears win 10-9.. He smiles and and I wave.
12:00 Noon: at home, the guy who came to fix the bulls-eye break on my windshield, saw my Orange and Blue jersey, smiled, and told me his wife would love me. She grew up in Chicago and can't get enough of the Bears. We Bear fans must be in all the nooks and crannies here in Aaron Rodgers' hometown. Wow - gotta get this message out somewhere, and have a huge tailgate BBQ at MY house with our 32 " screen TV - for those of us who remember Walter, Brad Muster, Sayers - and all great Bears' tight ends and running backs we're not seeing right now.
1:00 pm: I try to work and grade my graduate students' papers, but know I'm not sane enough at this point to ethically determine if these students have correctly diagnosed their clients with Reactive Attachment Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, or pure ADHD. Anyone watching me before this game would definitely see how Hyper and Distracted I am - period!
Fast Forward to post game celebrations - nothing like it. I drive home and watch every Bears' post-game analysis on ESPN, NFL Network, and our own Chicago Comcast. No wonder Buehrle lost v. Red Sox: he too was distracted by Chicago Sports fans' intensity just 5 miles to the south. And for just a few days, I'm loving the Cubbies doing well v. the Padres. Living in Northern California has me going for the Giants to win the NL West. I have just one recommendation for Pat Boyle's final comment: he said "no one at the table here thought the Bears would win" Well Pat - this southsidesportschick predicted this win 24 hrs. earlier in Sunday's Blog # 2. Peppers and Gould - just read it, please.
The morning after: I talk on 670 The Score with Mully and Hanley. I educate them on the importance of being a Bears fan in Chico, CA. Love it. Love Chicago Sports. Every morning after.
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